Alongside their practices, physical appearance also carries major significance to the Pokot tribe. Much like other tribes, they turn to beaded necklaces made from the stems of an asparagus tree and elaborate hairstyles to illustrate their culture. Painful scarification and the removal of lower central incisors are more invasive methods of adornment, but are equally as customary, with the majority of the Pokot people I interacted with possessing all the aforementioned physical modifications.
The concept of the universe the Pokot subscribes to is divided into two realms, with the realm above us playing host to the most powerful deities, and the realm below being inhabited by humans, animals, and plants.
They described to me that humans are responsible for the realm in which they inhabit, however they rely upon higher divinities to ascertain peace and prosperity. I watched how, through prayer and sacrifice, the Pokot communicate with their deities, devoting all their attention to the moment they were in. To truly sit in peace and muse on one thing. That is one lesson, in particular, I took away from my time spent immersed in this community. The tranquility of forcing yourself to be entirely present in one moment.